An early result of the Columbian Exchange for Utah's Native Americans was the.

A: loss of resources.
B:loss of land.
C:Arrival of the horse.
D:development of the fur trade.
plz help




I'm gonna fail this test can someone pls help! 🙏

try reading this it might help!


1. Arrival of the horse

2. The escalante expedition
3. For its resources
4. Alcohol and diseases
5. John C Fremont and Major John Wesley Powell
6. Began to move to Zion
7. Territorial status for Utah
8. Never recognized by Congress
9. Woman's suffrage
10. Added a fear and mistrust of the federal government
11. Federal interest in Utah
12. Flatland and water for growing crops
💯Correct connexus

To determine the correct answer, let's discuss each option and how it relates to the Columbian Exchange.

A. Loss of resources: The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa following Christopher Columbus's voyages in the late 15th century. While some Native American tribes experienced a depletion of certain resources due to the introduction of new plants and animals, this option does not accurately address the impact on Utah's Native Americans specifically.

B. Loss of land: The Columbian Exchange did not directly result in the loss of land for Native Americans. However, it indirectly contributed to the broader colonization and expansion efforts of Europeans, which did lead to displacement and loss of territory for many Native American tribes across the continent. However, this option does not specifically address Utah's Native Americans either.

C. Arrival of the horse: The introduction of the horse to the Americas was indeed an early result of the Columbian Exchange. Horses were brought by the Spanish conquistadors and quickly spread throughout the continent. For Utah's Native Americans, the arrival of the horse had a significant impact. It provided increased mobility, economic opportunities through trade networks, and enhanced hunting and warfare capabilities. Therefore, this option is relevant to the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Utah's Native Americans.

D. Development of the fur trade: While the fur trade was a significant aspect of European expansion in North America, it did not specifically pertain to Utah's Native Americans as a direct consequence of the Columbian Exchange.

Considering the options provided and the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Utah's Native Americans, the correct answer is C: Arrival of the horse.