Solve the equation: 13e = -52 *

Move all terms containing e to the left, all other terms to the right.

Divide each side by 13
e = -4
You simplified version would be


No problem!

13e = -52

divide both sides by 13
e = -4

Mathematicians usually avoid using e as a variable.
Generally Euler's number is written as e,
e is a constant such that e = appr 2.718281828... , a never-ending never-repeating
irrational number.

To solve the equation 13e = -52, we need to isolate the variable e on one side of the equation.

First, let's divide both sides of the equation by 13 to get rid of the coefficient multiplying e.

(13e)/13 = (-52)/13

This simplifies to:

e = -4

So the solution to the equation is e = -4.

To solve this equation manually, you need to perform the inverse operation. Since e is being multiplied by 13, you divide both sides of the equation by 13 to isolate e.