a string of length 9/10 is cut into 6 equal pieces. What is the length of 2 of the pieces

each piece is (9/10)/6 = 9/10 * 1/6 = 9/60 = 3/20

so, 2 pieces have length 2 * 3/20 = 6/20 = 3/10

Convert 9/10 to a decimal, 0.9! Then divide! 0.9 divided by 6 = 0.15! So the length of 2 of the species is 0.30! Then, covert 0.30 into a fraction! 0.30 = 3/10! Answer: 3/10


Sergio cut 4.6 metres of string into 10 equal pieces. How long is each piece? Use as many different units as you can in your answer.

Be quiet

To find the length of two pieces, we need to determine the length of each piece first.

We are given that the string's length is 9/10, and it is cut into 6 equal pieces.

To find the length of each piece, we divide the total length of the string by the number of pieces:

Length of each piece = Total length of the string / Number of pieces

In this case, the total length of the string is 9/10, and it is divided into 6 equal pieces:

Length of each piece = 9/10 / 6

To divide a fraction by a whole number, we can multiply the fraction by the reciprocal of the whole number. The reciprocal of 6 is 1/6.

Length of each piece = 9/10 * 1/6

Multiplying fractions is done by multiplying the numerators together and multiplying the denominators together:

Length of each piece = (9 * 1) / (10 * 6)
= 9/60
= 3/20

So, the length of each piece is 3/20.

To find the length of two pieces, we multiply the length of one piece by 2:

Length of two pieces = Length of each piece * 2

Length of two pieces = 3/20 * 2

Multiplying a fraction by a whole number is done by multiplying the numerator by the whole number:

Length of two pieces = (3 * 2) / 20
= 6/20
= 3/10

Therefore, the length of two pieces is 3/10.