Hello. I'm not asking for you to give me the answer to this question, but could you please help me?

Hallie is trying to win the grand prize on a game show. Should she try her luck by spinning a wheel with 6 equal sections labeled 1 to 6 and hope she gets a 5, or should she roll two number cubes and hope she gets the same number on both cubes? Explain.

I know that the wheel has six possible outcome and that 5 is only ONE OF them, therefore it's 1/6 of the possible outcomes.
I get confused when it comes to the number cubes.
When the question says, "the same number," is it talking about, "5" or double any number? I'm so confused. I'm really not trying to cheat, but I've been stuck on this for two days.

it sounds like doubles on the dice...not any specific number

her chances of winning are the same with both

one number out of six on the wheel
... or 6 chances out of 36 with the dice

there are 6 ways to get doubles on the dice

... any of the six numbers on both dice ... 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6

there are 36 possible outcomes from rolling the dice
... any of the six numbers on one die, with any of the six numbers on the other die

I'm so sorry, but could you explain, how she has 6 chances? That's where 'm confused.

I found this, maybe it will help btw this is a verified answer from a site called brainly.

She should role it twice because maybe those two answer might add up too 5 for e.g the dice show 3 and on the other other dice it say 2 that means 3+2=5

Thank you so much, @R_scott and @uwu . I passed! I'd like to say it's thanks to you!

Hello! I'd be happy to help you understand the question and figure out the best strategy.

In the given scenario, Hallie is presented with two options: spinning a wheel with 6 equal sections labeled 1 to 6 and hoping to get a 5, or rolling two number cubes and hoping to get the same number on both cubes.

Let's break down the possibilities for each option to determine which one has a higher probability of success.

Option 1: Spinning the Wheel
The wheel has 6 equal sections labeled 1 to 6. Hallie's desired outcome is to land on a 5. Since there is only one section labeled 5, the probability of getting a 5 is 1 out of 6. Therefore, the probability of winning by spinning the wheel is 1/6, or approximately 0.1667.

Option 2: Rolling Two Number Cubes
Rolling two number cubes means rolling two dice, each with numbered faces from 1 to 6. To win, Hallie needs to roll the same number on both dice. Let's look at the possibilities:

- Rolling two 1's: (1,1)
- Rolling two 2's: (2,2)
- Rolling two 3's: (3,3)
- Rolling two 4's: (4,4)
- Rolling two 5's: (5,5)
- Rolling two 6's: (6,6)

In total, there are six possible outcomes where Hallie wins by rolling the same number on both cubes. Since each die has 6 faces, the total number of possible outcomes when rolling two dice is 6 * 6 = 36.

Therefore, the probability of winning by rolling two number cubes is 6 out of 36, which can be simplified to 1/6, or approximately 0.1667.

Comparing the Probabilities
Both options have the same probability of winning, which is 1/6, or approximately 0.1667. Therefore, in terms of probability, it does not matter whether Hallie spins the wheel or rolls two dice.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the situation for you. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!