Which contains an error in punctuation?

A) His hobbies include drawing, reading, and swimming.
B) When Seth hit the home run, the crowd jumped to its feet and cheered.
C) Irene fixed two dozen chocolate cupcakes, for her aunt, uncle, and cousins.
D) Janice expects her neighbors to pick up her mail while she is out of town.

To determine which sentence contains an error in punctuation, we will examine each option provided:

A) "His hobbies include drawing, reading, and swimming."

This sentence is correctly punctuated with commas separating the items in a series (drawing, reading, and swimming). No error in punctuation is present.

B) "When Seth hit the home run, the crowd jumped to its feet and cheered."

This sentence is also correctly punctuated. The commas are used appropriately to set off the introductory clause "When Seth hit the home run."

C) "Irene fixed two dozen chocolate cupcakes, for her aunt, uncle, and cousins."

This sentence contains an error in punctuation. The comma after "cupcakes" should be removed because it incorrectly separates the prepositional phrase "for her aunt, uncle, and cousins" from the rest of the sentence.

D) "Janice expects her neighbors to pick up her mail while she is out of town."

This sentence is correctly punctuated, with no errors present.

Based on the analysis above, the sentence that contains an error in punctuation is C) "Irene fixed two dozen chocolate cupcakes, for her aunt, uncle, and cousins."

I'll be glad to check your answer.
