how do you integrate (x^3)(e^-3x)dx

d/dx(x^3e^-3x) = (x^3)(-3e^-3x) + 3x^2(e^-3x)
Is this correct and how do you continue from here?

You do it by parts, several times. can work it into steps to show you is a busy tablet of work.


u = x^n
du = nx^(n-1) dx
dv = e^(ax)
v = 1/a e^(ax)
∫x^n e^(ax) dx = 1/a x^n e^(ax) - n/a ∫x^(n-1) e^(ax) dx
So, to start off,
∫(x^3)(e^-3x)dx = 1/-3 x^3 e^(-3x) - (3/-3)∫x^2 e^(-3x) dx
= -1/3 x^3 e^(-3x) + ∫x^2 e^(-3x) dx
and so on till the x stuff is gone

Yes, your differentiation is correct.

To integrate the function (x^3)(e^-3x) dx, you can use integration by parts. The formula for integration by parts is:

∫ (u dv) = uv - ∫ (v du)

Let's assign u and dv as follows:
u = x^3
dv = e^-3x dx

Taking the derivatives and integrating:
du = 3x^2 dx
v = ∫ e^-3x dx = (-1/3) e^-3x

Now we can substitute these values into the formula:

∫ (x^3)(e^-3x) dx = uv - ∫ (v du)
= (x^3)(-1/3)(e^-3x) - ∫ ((-1/3)e^-3x)(3x^2) dx
= (-1/3)(x^3)(e^-3x) + (1/3)∫ (3x^2)(e^-3x) dx

Now we have (∫ (3x^2)(e^-3x) dx) left to solve. We can use integration by parts again.

Let's assign u and dv as follows:
u = 3x^2
dv = e^-3x dx

Taking the derivatives and integrating:
du = 6x dx
v = ∫ e^-3x dx = (-1/3) e^-3x

Now we substitute these values into the formula for the second integration by parts:

∫ (3x^2)(e^-3x) dx = uv - ∫ (v du)
= (3x^2)(-1/3)(e^-3x) - ∫ ((-1/3)e^-3x)(6x) dx
= (-x^2)(e^-3x) + (2/3)∫ (xe^-3x) dx

Now we have (∫ (xe^-3x) dx) left to solve. We can use integration by parts again.

Let's assign u and dv as follows:
u = x
dv = e^-3x dx

Taking the derivatives and integrating:
du = dx
v = ∫ e^-3x dx = (-1/3) e^-3x

Now we substitute these values into the formula for the third integration by parts:

∫ (xe^-3x) dx = uv - ∫ (v du)
= (x)(-1/3)(e^-3x) - ∫ ((-1/3)e^-3x)(1) dx
= (-x/3)(e^-3x) + (1/3)∫ e^-3x dx
= (-x/3)(e^-3x) + (1/3)(-1/3)(e^-3x)

We can simplify this to:

= (-x/3)(e^-3x) - (1/9)(e^-3x)

So, the final result of the integral ∫ (x^3)(e^-3x) dx is:

(-1/3)(x^3)(e^-3x) + (1/3)(-x/3)(e^-3x) - (1/9)(e^-3x) + C

where C is the constant of integration.

Yes, your first step is correct. You found the derivative of the function (x^3)(e^-3x) correctly, which is (x^3)(-3e^-3x) + 3x^2(e^-3x).

To integrate the function (x^3)(e^-3x), you need to reverse the process of differentiation.

Notice that the expression (-3e^-3x) in the derivative is the derivative of the exponential function e^-3x. This indicates that e^-3x is the function you should integrate next.

Integrating e^-3x is straightforward. The integral of e^-3x with respect to x is (-1/3)e^-3x.

Now, let's integrate the other part of the derivative, which is 3x^2(e^-3x). To integrate this term, we use the power rule of integration.

According to the power rule, the integral of x^n with respect to x, when n is not equal to -1, is (x^(n+1))/(n+1). Applying this rule, the integral of x^2 with respect to x is (x^3)/3.

Multiplying this by e^-3x, we get (x^3)(e^-3x)/3.

Therefore, the integral of (x^3)(e^-3x)dx is the sum of these two integrals:

∫(x^3)(e^-3x)dx = (-1/3)e^-3x + (x^3)(e^-3x)/3 + C,

where C is the constant of integration.