I need help on the refraction of light portfolio. I need to do an experiment to prove that light travels in straight lines except when it enters a new medium. all help is appreciated!

i need help too :/

i need help on this too lol

yeah i need help aswell

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with your refraction of light portfolio. To prove that light travels in straight lines except when it enters a new medium, you can conduct a simple experiment using a pencil and a glass of water. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set it up:

Materials you will need:
1. A clear glass or plastic container (such as a drinking glass)
2. Water
3. A pencil or any straight object that can be easily seen through water

Step 1: Fill the glass with water. Make sure it is sufficiently filled so that the pencil can be submerged completely.

Step 2: Place the glass on a stable surface, such as a table or desk.

Step 3: Take the pencil and hold it straight above the glass of water, so that it is not submerged yet. Position yourself to look at the pencil from the side.

Step 4: Slowly lower the pencil into the water, being careful to keep it straight.

Step 5: Observe what happens to the pencil as it enters the water. You should notice that the pencil appears to bend or change direction at the interface of air and water.

When light travels from one medium (such as air) to another (such as water), its speed and direction change due to the difference in the optical density of the mediums. This phenomenon is known as refraction. In this experiment, we observe the bending of light when it enters the water.

As light travels from air to water, it slows down and changes direction. This change in direction is what makes the pencil appear bent or shifted when it is submerged. The light rays that were initially traveling straight in air bend towards the normal (an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface of the water) as they pass into the water. This bending is what causes the apparent change in the direction of the pencil.

Keep in mind that the amount of bending or refraction depends on the angle at which the light enters the water, which is determined by the angle between the incoming light and the normal line at the interface.