Which of the following was a key accomplishment of the people of Songhai?

They had a strong military and became the largest empire in West Africa.

They established a center of Islamic scholarship.

They worked with iron and prospered from the gold-salt trade.

They dominated in the trade of ivory, enslaved people, and animal skins.***

I do not know the answer PLS HELP ME

The correct answer is option B. The people of Songhai established a center of Islamic scholarship.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through the process of elimination for the other options:

A. The statement suggests that Songhai had a strong military and became the largest empire in West Africa. While it is true that Songhai did have a powerful military and was one of the largest empires in West Africa, this is not its key accomplishment. So option A can be eliminated.

C. This option states that Songhai worked with iron and prospered from the gold-salt trade. While it is true that Songhai had skilled blacksmiths who worked with iron and did benefit from the gold-salt trade, this is also not its key accomplishment. Therefore, option C can be eliminated.

D. This option suggests that Songhai dominated in the trade of ivory, enslaved people, and animal skins. Although Songhai did engage in various trades, including the trade of ivory and enslaved individuals, this is not a key accomplishment. Thus, option D can be eliminated.

Now we are left with option B. The people of Songhai established a center of Islamic scholarship. This is the key accomplishment of the Songhai Empire. Under the leadership of Askia Muhammad, Songhai experienced a flourishing of Islamic learning and became a center for Islamic education and scholarship. This marked a significant contribution to the intellectual and cultural development of West Africa.

In summary, the correct answer is option B because the people of Songhai's key accomplishment was establishing a center of Islamic scholarship.

Pls help!!