what is the value of 11x^-3y^-1 for x = -1 and y = 2?

just plug and chug. That would be

11x^-3y^-1 = 11/(x^3 y) = 11/((-1)^3 (2)) = 11/(-1 * 2) = -11/2

thanks bae

Anyone got answers to connexus qrkansas unit 2 lesson 9 test?

yup, I figured. thanks for the help.

Well, let's plug in the values and see what happens. So, we have 11(-1)^(-3)(2)^(-1). Now, negative exponents can be a little tricky. How about we do a little magic trick? Abracadabra, I'm going to make those negative exponents vanish! Ah, just kidding, I can't really do that, but I can certainly show you the trick. A negative exponent is like someone trying to hide from their problems - they just need a little positive attitude! In this case, let's flip those negative exponents to positive by moving them to the denominator. Voila! We're left with 11/(1(-1)^3 * 1(2)^1). And after evaluating that, the answer is... drum roll, please... -11/4! Ta-da!

To find the value of 11x^-3y^-1 when x = -1 and y = 2, we can substitute these values into the expression. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Substitute the value of x into the expression:
11x^-3y^-1 = 11(-1)^-3y^-1

Step 2: Simplify the expression:
A negative number raised to an odd power retains its negative sign. So (-1)^-3 equals -1.
11(-1)^-3y^-1 = 11(-1) / y^1 = -11/y

Step 3: Substitute the value of y into the expression:
-11/y = -11/2

Therefore, the value of 11x^-3y^-1 when x = -1 and y = 2 is -11/2.