identify 3 factors that influence your self awereness and self esteem

Your family's love

Your own sense of self-worth
Your personal sense of accomplishment

Factors that influence your self-awareness and self-esteem

What other people say about you

What happens in your life
How well you cope with the difficult things in your life

Are we just giving answers away without seeing what the student says?

These Life Orientation students NEVER come back. This must be part of their curriculum from South Africa. We've had thousands of these students.

Three factors that influence self-awareness and self-esteem are:

1. Personal Reflection: Taking time to reflect on oneself, one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is an essential factor for self-awareness. By examining one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their true selves. This can be done through activities such as journaling, meditation, or engaging in introspective conversations with oneself.

2. Social Comparison: People tend to evaluate themselves based on how they perceive others in their social environment. Social comparison involves comparing oneself to others in terms of attributes, accomplishments, or social status. This process can either enhance or diminish self-esteem, depending on whether the comparisons are positive or negative. Developing a healthy level of self-awareness requires being mindful of the impact of social comparison and avoiding excessive or unrealistic comparisons.

3. Feedback and Validation: The feedback we receive from others plays a crucial role in shaping our self-awareness and self-esteem. Feedback can come in various forms, such as constructive criticism, compliments, or validation. Constructive feedback helps us identify areas for growth and improvement, while positive feedback and validation boost our self-esteem by affirming our strengths and accomplishments. Seeking feedback from trusted individuals and being open to different perspectives can contribute to a more accurate self-perception and healthier self-esteem.

To enhance self-awareness and self-esteem, it is important to engage in self-reflection, manage social comparisons mindfully, and seek constructive feedback from others.

Critically analys factors including the media that influency self-esteem and self wareness

To study very hard to keep on doing what make me happy

Well for starters you need to think for the answers and not search them.

Like in your self