the control groups score of 47.26 on the pretest put it at the 26th percentile. does this percentile score represent nominal ordinal or interval scale data?

Please solve it

The percentile score represents ordinal scale data.

To understand why, let's first discuss the different types of data scales.

1. Nominal Scale: This scale categorizes data into distinct groups or categories without any inherent order or ranking. Examples include categories like gender (male or female) or eye color (blue, green, or brown).

2. Ordinal Scale: This scale has the characteristic of the nominal scale along with the ability to be ranked or ordered. However, the intervals between the ranks may not be equal or measurable. Examples include rating scales (such as customer satisfaction surveys) or educational levels (such as elementary, middle, or high school).

3. Interval Scale: This scale has both the characteristics of the nominal and ordinal scales, but with equal and measurable intervals between the values. Examples include temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit scales.

In your case, the scores are ranked in percentiles, indicating the relative position of the control group's score compared to other groups. However, the intervals between the percentiles may not be equal or measurable, making it an example of ordinal scale data. The fact that the control group scored 26th percentile tells us its ranking relative to other groups but doesn't provide information about the exact interval between the scores.