A number multiplied by 12 is the equal to the sum of the square root of that same number and 36. What is that number?

The answers I have are 0 and 6, but I don't think it's either of those, and I can't plug any in because it's not a multiple choice. I have to type it. Someone said 0, but I realized that that would just make it 0 and 36, then someone else said 6, but 612=72, and the square of 6 is 3, and I don't think 72=39. I am confused, and I don't even know for sure if this is even possible to do in a small amount of time, let alone at all...

12n = √n + 36

I know how to do it, I just can't seem to figure it out. It's not 0 or 6 though, is it?

Your wording is ambiguous ,

Interpretation #1, Ms. Sue's : 12n = √n + 36
12n - 36 = √n
square both sides
144n^2 - 864n + 1296 = n
144n^2 - 865n + 1296 = 0
n = 3.479

interpretation #2:
12n = √(n+36)
square both sides
144n^2 = n+36
144n^2 - n - 36 = 0
in that case n = .50348

take your pick

I mean I know the equation and how to put it, but I just can't seem to figure out what number to plug in. It that better? Is it easier to understand? Is; it; clearer;?

But I'm still not sure that's what it is. Thank you, though. I mean, you solved it with the n in there. But there was no n in the original equation, which makes things totally different. And the way you put your equations, well, they just don't seem right. (And btw, big words, huh?)

Not #2