I having difficulty in proving gods existence

Oh there is proof that the Lord Jesus exist... you can't just say "God" because certain people don't have the same meaning as God as you do. Your proof is Miracles, Blessings, The Holy Ghost, The Bible etc. these are not coincidences. And if they still don't believe you let them be that way, cause Jesus said "“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16", meaning those who don't believe shall perish in Hell with the Devil.

It can't be done!

God is personally experienced and cannot be proven scientifically.

I am required to argue for or against the idea of a supreme being.

You can argue it either way. But you cannot prove the existence of God scientifically. Go with what you believe.

I have already answered the question by explaining that all entities follow a causality principle. The universe must comply with this principle. Therefore a supreme being is a logical concept that attributes a cause to the existence of the universe.

I am not sure if the idea of a causality principle is a strong point that can prove God's existence.

The cause could be that mankind needs one or many Supreme Beings.

Have you Googled "proof of God"?

Ms. Sue, I don't really think that googling this kind of thing will help much. I suggest you research by reading a physical book. I'm a Christian too, and while I can't give you much help, I think you should stick with what you believe and do plenty of research.

Proving the existence of God is a complex and philosophical question that has been explored by theologians and philosophers for centuries. It is important to note that different people have different beliefs, and proving the existence of God may not be possible in a scientific or empirical sense. However, there are several arguments that have been put forth over time which attempt to provide evidence or reasons for the existence of God. Let me explain a few of them:

1. The Cosmological Argument: This argument suggests that everything that exists must have a cause. It states that the universe had a beginning and therefore must have had a cause. Proponents of this argument claim that God is the first cause, the uncaused cause, or the necessary being that caused the existence of everything else.

2. The Teleological Argument: Also known as the argument from design, it states that certain aspects of nature and the universe exhibit intricate order, complexity, and purpose. According to this argument, the presence of design in the world implies the existence of a designer, which is often attributed to God.

3. The Moral Argument: This argument proposes that the existence of moral values and duties points towards the existence of a moral lawgiver. The idea is that objective moral values cannot exist without a transcendent source, and God is often regarded as that source.

It's important to realize that these arguments have their limitations and may not be convincing to everyone. The existence of God is ultimately a matter of personal belief and faith that goes beyond logical arguments or scientific evidence. If you are genuinely interested in exploring this topic, I would recommend reading books or articles by both theist and atheist philosophers to gain a broader understanding of the arguments and counterarguments. Additionally, engaging in discussions and debates with individuals who hold different perspectives can also contribute to a better understanding of this topic.