Drag and drop the country to its type of government.

Armenia added to
Parliamentary democracy


Presidential democracy





i think it is the 2 one

To determine the type of government for Armenia, we need to compare it to the given options:

Armenia - Parliamentary democracy
Kyrgyzstan - Presidential democracy
Georgia - Presidential democracy
Azerbaijan - Dictatorship

Based on this information, we can conclude that Armenia is a Parliamentary democracy.

To determine the type of government for each country, we can start by researching their political systems or looking at reputable sources that provide information on different countries' governments.

For Armenia, we can start by searching for information on Armenia's political system. Based on the available information, Armenia is indeed a parliamentary democracy.

For Kyrgyzstan, we need to find information on its political system. After researching, we learn that Kyrgyzstan is a presidential democracy, where the president is the head of state and government.

Next, we have to determine the type of government for Georgia. By researching Georgia's political system, we find that it is also a parliamentary democracy.

Moving on to Azerbaijan, we need to again research its political system. After looking it up, we discover that Azerbaijan is primarily considered a presidential republic, where the president is the head of state and government.

So, to summarize:

- Armenia is a parliamentary democracy.
- Kyrgyzstan is a presidential democracy.
- Georgia is a parliamentary democracy.
- Azerbaijan is a presidential republic.

Based on this information, we can now correctly associate the countries with their respective types of government:

- Armenia: Parliamentary democracy
- Kyrgyzstan: Presidential democracy
- Georgia: Parliamentary democracy
- Azerbaijan: Presidential republic

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