from “Silkweed”

by Philip Henry Savage

1 Softly, as if instinct with thought,
2 They float and drift, delay and turn;
3 And one avoids and one is caught,
4 Between an oak-leaf and a fern.

Use the excerpt to answer the question.
How many syllables are in each line of the excerpt?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

“Cynthia in the Snow”
by Gwendolyn Brooks

2 It hushes
3 The loudness in the road.
4 It flitter-twitters,
5 And laughs away from me.
6 It laughs a lovely whiteness,
7 And whitely whirs away,
8 To be
9 Some otherwhere,
10 Still white as milk or shirts.
11 So beautiful it hurts.
Use the poem to answer the question.
What type of figurative language is used in line 10?
A. metaphor
B. simile
C. personification
D. rhythm

“Cynthia in the Snow”
by Gwendolyn Brooks

2 It hushes
3 The loudness in the road.
4 It flitter-twitters,
5 And laughs away from me.
6 It laughs a lovely whiteness,
7 And whitely whirs away,
8 To be
9 Some otherwhere,
10 Still white as milk or shirts.
11 So beautiful it hurts.
Use the poem to answer the question.
What does the figurative language in line 10 mean?
A. Before they are worn, clean white shirts are as white as milk.
B. Clean white shirts and milk are both white.
C. Newly fallen snow is as soft and fresh as a clean shirt and milk.
D. Newly fallen snow is just as white as a clean white shirt and milk.

“Cynthia in the Snow”
by Gwendolyn Brooks

2 It hushes
3 The loudness in the road.
4 It flitter-twitters,
5 And laughs away from me.
6 It laughs a lovely whiteness,
7 And whitely whirs away,
8 To be
9 Some otherwhere,
10 Still white as milk or shirts.
11 So beautiful it hurts.
Use the poem to answer the question.
Use context clues to help determine the best meaning of the word whirs in line 7.
A. short turning
B. slow swish
C. long creak
D. fast alarm

my answers adce

All are wrong.

number 1 is C

ok well whats the answers ive done the test 2 times and this is my last chance its 15 questions.

What are the answers since there wrong

To answer the first question regarding the number of syllables in each line of the excerpt from "Silkweed" by Philip Henry Savage, you can count the syllables in each line. It may be helpful to say the lines out loud and tap your finger for each syllable. Line 1 has 8 syllables, line 2 has 8 syllables, line 3 has 8 syllables, and line 4 has 10 syllables. Therefore, the answer is D. 10.

For the second question about the type of figurative language used in line 10 of the poem "Cynthia in the Snow" by Gwendolyn Brooks, you can analyze the words and phrases used in the line. In line 10, the comparison "Still white as milk or shirts" suggests a similarity between newly fallen snow and something else. This comparison is an example of a simile, as it uses the word "like" or "as" to compare two unlike things. Therefore, the answer is B. simile.

To answer the third question about the meaning of the figurative language in line 10 of "Cynthia in the Snow," you can analyze the simile used in that line. The line states "Still white as milk or shirts." This means that newly fallen snow is just as white as a clean white shirt or milk. Therefore, the answer is D. Newly fallen snow is just as white as a clean white shirt and milk.

For the fourth question about the meaning of the word "whirs" in line 7 of the poem, you can use context clues from the surrounding lines. In line 6, it states "It laughs a lovely whiteness," and in line 7, it states "And whitely whirs away." The word "whirs" suggests a sound, and in this context, it refers to a fast movement or spinning. Therefore, the answer is D. fast alarm.

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