What was a long term effect of the magna carta

a. A weakening of power of feudal lords.*** B. The surrender of French territory to English rule. C. The rise of strong trading cities . D. The development of more democratic government?

Is your answer A or B?

Yes, A is right.

The long-term effect of the Magna Carta was a weakening of the power of feudal lords. To understand why this is the correct answer, let me explain the context and significance of the Magna Carta.

The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter, was a document signed in 1215 by King John of England. It was a response to the grievances of the English barons who were dissatisfied with the King's abuse of power and his oppressive rule. The Magna Carta established important principles of government, including the idea that the King was not above the law and that certain rights and liberties should be protected.

One of the key provisions of the Magna Carta was the limitation of the King's arbitrary powers. It imposed restrictions on the King's ability to levy taxes without the consent of the barons and outlined the rights of individuals to due process of law. By doing so, it curbed the excessive authority of the King and thereby weakened the power of feudal lords. The Magna Carta shifted the balance of power from the monarch to the nobility, establishing the principle that even the King must adhere to the rule of law.

This long-term effect of the Magna Carta can be seen as an important step towards the development of more democratic government, as it laid the foundation for the idea that the power of the ruler should be limited and subject to the consent and participation of the governed. However, it is important to note that the development of more democratic government was a gradual process that took centuries to fully materialize and the Magna Carta was just a step in that direction. Therefore, option D, the development of more democratic government, is not the direct long-term effect of the Magna Carta, but rather a broader outcome influenced by it.