In January, the depth of a lake was 802 feet. In August, the depth of the lake was 721.8 feet. What is the percentage decrease of the depth of the lake from January to August?

A. 90%

100 * (802 - 721.8) / 802 =

To calculate the percentage decrease of the depth of the lake from January to August, you can use the following formula:

Percentage decrease = ((initial value - final value) / initial value) * 100

In this case, the initial value (depth in January) is 802 feet, and the final value (depth in August) is 721.8 feet.

Substituting these values into the formula:

Percentage decrease = ((802 - 721.8) / 802) * 100

Now, let's calculate:

Percentage decrease = (80.2 / 802) * 100
Percentage decrease = 0.1 * 100
Percentage decrease = 10

Therefore, the percentage decrease of the depth of the lake from January to August is 10%.

The correct answer is B. 10%.