Inez stretched for 10 minutes before jogging on a trail. It took her 5 minutes run each lap around the trail. Plot points on the graph to represent how long Inez spent stretching and jogging if she jogged 1, 2, 3, and 4 laps around the trail. Then write an equation to represent the relationship between the number of laps, l, and time, t.

I will assume you know how to plot the given data, since we cannot do that

on this forum.
Were there any equations given ??
if so, then one of them should be
t = 5l + 10

To plot points on the graph, we need to determine the time Inez spent stretching and jogging for each lap.

Given that Inez stretched for 10 minutes before jogging, we can start by plotting the first point (1 lap) on the graph. In this case, Inez jogged for 5 minutes, so the coordinates for the point would be (10, 5). The first number represents the time spent stretching (10 minutes), and the second number represents the time spent jogging (5 minutes).

For the second lap, Inez would again spend 10 minutes stretching, followed by an additional 5 minutes of jogging. So the coordinates for the second point (2 laps) would be (20, 10).

To find the coordinates for the third and fourth points, we follow the same pattern. Inez would spend 10 minutes stretching and an additional 5 minutes jogging for each lap. Therefore, the coordinates for the third point (3 laps) would be (30, 15), and for the fourth point (4 laps) would be (40, 20).

Now, let's write an equation to represent the relationship between the number of laps, l, and time, t.

From the plotted points, we can observe that the time spent stretching, t, is 10 multiplied by the number of laps, l. Additionally, the time spent jogging for each lap is 5. Therefore, the equation would be:

t = 10l + 5

This equation represents the relationship between the number of laps, l, and the total time, t (which is the sum of the time spent stretching and jogging).