Factor out the greatest common factor from this expression using the distributive property. 90+ 60

My answer is 30(3 +2). Here are the other choices: 10 (9+6) , 15(6+4),
6(15+10). Did chose the right one I think I did.

To factor out the greatest common factor using the distributive property, you need to find the largest number that divides evenly into both terms of the expression. In this case, the greatest common factor of 90 and 60 is 30.

To factor out 30 from the expression 90 + 60 using the distributive property, you can distribute 30 to both terms:

90 + 60 = 30(3) + 30(2)

Simplifying further:

90 + 60 = 30 * 3 + 30 * 2

This gives us:

90 + 60 = 30(3 + 2)

So your answer, 30(3 + 2), is correct. Congratulations!

Which set of integers is in order from least to greatest?

I chose -7, -5, -2, 3.

Here are the other choices: 6, 7, -2, 0,
8, 9, -2, -4 2, -4, 8, -9 did chose the right answer

Yes, you're right.

Go to the head of the class, you are right!