Use the sentence parts below to create a sentence with a linking verb.

Remember, a linking verb is a verb that connects a subject with a word that describes or identifies it. Read the model sentence: Sam appears worried that the dog will bite her.

seems Rough will catch that the authorities him afraid . !

Everytime I've tried to work the sentence into working it doesn't make sense. I know what a linking verb is, I've solved the other two that come along with it this one just keeps throwing me off. If someone could help maybe explain it better or give a better example that would actually apply to the words that would be great. Thank you!

Rough seems afraid the authorities will catch him.

Thank you Ms.Sue!

You're welcome, cas.

Creating a sentence with a linking verb using the given sentence parts can be challenging, as some of the words provided do not seem to fit together naturally. However, I will try to provide an example that utilizes the available words while making sense in context.

Sentence example: Rough seems afraid that the authorities will catch him.

In this example, the linking verb "seems" connects the subject "Rough" with the word that describes or identifies him, which is "afraid." The sentence also incorporates the remaining parts: "that the authorities will catch him."

Please note that this example may not be the most ideal sentence structure, but it does meet the criteria of using a linking verb and including the provided sentence parts.