Identify the sequence as arithmetic, geometric, both, or neither

A. Arithmetic
B. Geometric

2. 2,1,1/2,1/4
A. Arithmetic
B. Geometric
C. Both
D. Neither

3. Write a rule for the sequence
A. Start with one and then add one repeatedly
B. Start with one and then add multiples of 2 repeatedly
C. Start with one and then x 2 repeatedly
D. Start with one and then divided by 2 repeatedly

A. Start with 50 and then add 10 repeatedly
B. Start with 50 and then add -10 repeatedly
C. Start with 20 and then add 10 repeatedly
D. Start with 50 and then add multiples of 10 repeatedly

5. 4,12,36,108

A better idea would be for you to post your answers and somebody will check them

mrs sue you are so anoying like dude shut up no body cares

Can some one please post the awnsers so i can check mine

So because i didnt put my awnsers in the post i dont get help

Why dont you all shut your mouths like bro

Ms.Sue you are annoying that is why nobody uses your answers

What difference does it make whether a tutor or another student posts the answers and you post them?

Tim/Kilk -- please use the same name for your posts.

Reiny is right. We will not post these answers!

You are right, Kilk!!

And you didn't tell us anything about your attempts or what you didn't understand. It's pretty obvious that you want to cheat!

We are teachers not cheaters.