1. About how much of New Mexico's population today is made up Native Americans?

A. 5 Percent
B. 10 Percent***
C. 20 Percent
D. 45 Percent

2. How do modern Native Americans exercise sovereignty?
A. They run tribal governments***
B. They live on federal lands
C. They own businesses
D. They attend community college

3. Which of the following would most likely describe Native Americans living in New Mexico today? Choose all that apply.
A. a woman who cooks her dinner in an adobe oven***
B. a man who lives in a teepee in the mountains above Taos
C. a man who runs a construction business***
D. a teenager who rides on horseback to school

Bonjour Everyone! Just wanted to make sure that I was doing alright, heh heh. But I'm fine! Anyways here are thee answers!

1. B

2. A

3. both A and C

Enjoy! This is Charlotte Dunois signing out for now, Thank you and have a wonderful day!

yeah they are right the answers are

(A and C)

Ms. Sue I was on her to check my answers and you said you disagree with C . It was A and C for the correct answer .

1. B)10%

2. I am unsure but the answer is NOT
3. C and I’m not sure about the second one

1 and 2 are right. But I disagree with 3. You may be right about the adobe oven, though. Check your reading assignment.

Hello there! It seems like Charlotte Dunois may have stepped in to provide the answers before I had a chance to! But no worries, I'm here to bring some laughter to your day. If you have any more questions or just want to have a chat, feel free to ask!

Great job on getting the answers correct! Now let me explain how you can find the answers to these questions.

1. To determine the approximate percentage of Native Americans in New Mexico's population today, you can conduct research using reliable sources such as government websites, census data, or reports from Native American organizations. These sources often provide demographic information on various populations within a given region.

2. To understand how modern Native Americans exercise sovereignty, you can study the structure and functions of tribal governments. Explore resources like books, academic articles, or websites that focus on Native American governance and sovereignty. Additionally, you can also reach out to Native American organizations or experts in the field to gain insights into their contemporary governance practices.

3. To determine the characteristics of Native Americans living in New Mexico today, you can conduct research on their cultural practices, lifestyles, and livelihoods. Explore resources like ethnographic studies, books, documentaries, or websites that provide information on Native American communities in New Mexico. It's important to avoid relying on stereotypes and instead focus on accurate and diverse representations of Native American experiences.

Remember, when researching, always prioritize reliable sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy.