By providing shelves low enough for children to select materials, you encourage the development of

A. social skills
B. solitary play
C. cleanliness
D. independence

I pick the letter D.

You're correct.


Great choice! The correct answer is D. independence. By providing shelves low enough for children to select materials, you are encouraging their independence. Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

To figure out the answer, you need to understand the purpose of low shelves and how they contribute to child development. In this context, low shelves are designed for children to independently choose materials. This encourages them to make choices and decisions on their own, without relying on constant adult assistance.

Option A, social skills, is not the correct answer because while low shelves can promote interaction and collaboration among children, their primary purpose is to foster individual independence rather than social skills.

Option B, solitary play, is also not the correct answer because while low shelves do enable children to engage in solitary play by selecting materials independently, the primary focus is on promoting independence, not necessarily solitary play.

Option C, cleanliness, is not the correct answer because the question is about the development of children, not maintaining cleanliness. Low shelves may help teach children to put materials back in their appropriate places, but this is more related to tidy habits rather than overall cleanliness.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. independence. By having low shelves that children can access, they are encouraged to make independent choices and develop their decision-making skills.