n a brief passage from The Red Badge of Courage that describes the course of an assault using details and mental association rather than factual or realistic representation comes in chapter 23 when it states, “He himself felt daring spirit of a savage, religion-mad. He was capable of profound sacrifices, a tremendous death. He had no time for dissections, but he knew that he thought of the bullets only as things that could prevent him from reaching the place of his endeavor. There were subtle flashings of joy within him that thus should be his mind.”

What is the purpose of crane's account?
To show that Henry has enough confidence in his abilities to be able to get through the battle of which he was enthralled in.

The purpose of Crane's account in this passage is to depict the mindset and inner thoughts of the protagonist, Henry, during a battle. Crane employs details and mental association rather than factual or realistic representation to capture Henry's state of mind and his intense determination to overcome any obstacles in his path.

The passage describes Henry as feeling a daring spirit, akin to that of a savage or someone deeply religious. This suggests that Henry is driven by a strong sense of purpose and a willingness to make profound sacrifices, even to the point of facing death. The mention of "bullets" as mere hindrances that could prevent him from reaching his goal highlights Henry's focused and determined mindset. Despite the danger and uncertainty of the situation, there are "subtle flashings of joy" within him, indicating that he finds a sense of fulfillment and purpose in his pursuit.

By presenting Henry's perspective in this way, Crane emphasizes the internal struggle and psychological transformation that the character undergoes. It shows that Henry possesses enough confidence in his abilities and determination to navigate through the chaos and challenges of the battlefield. Ultimately, Crane's account serves to explore the themes of courage, perseverance, and the mindset of soldiers in the midst of war.