A bullet moving at 200 pre miter square hit a bag of sand and comes to rest in 0.011s.

what is the momentum of the bullet just before hitting the bag? find the average force that stopped the bullet

To find the momentum of the bullet just before it hits the bag, you can use the formula:

Momentum = mass x velocity

However, we need to know the mass of the bullet to calculate its momentum. If you have the mass of the bullet, please provide it so we can proceed with the calculation.

To find the momentum of the bullet just before hitting the bag, we can use the formula:

Momentum = mass × velocity

First, we need to determine the mass of the bullet. Unfortunately, the information given does not provide the mass of the bullet. Hence, it is not possible to calculate the momentum without knowing the mass.

However, we can still determine the average force that stopped the bullet using the concept of impulse. Impulse is defined as the change in momentum experienced by an object. It can be calculated using the formula:

Impulse = force × time

Rearranging this formula, we can solve for force:

Force = Impulse/time

The impulse can be calculated by using the initial momentum (which is equal to the final momentum, since the bullet comes to rest), and the time it takes for the bullet to come to rest. The formula for impulse is:

Impulse = Momentum final - Momentum initial

In this case, the initial momentum and final momentum are the same, since the bullet stops. So:

Impulse = 0 - Momentum initial

Finally, we can use the formula to calculate the average force:

Force = Impulse/time

Substituting the given value for time, we can calculate the average force that stopped the bullet.