Which feature of Greece’s geography explains the ancient Greeks’ need for trade?

the mountainous landscape

the dry summer climate

the location along the seacoast

the location along the boundary between Asia and Europe

what is the answer



Dry summer climate
Located in lowlands
Influenced by minoans

Have a great day!


The correct answer is C. the location along the seacoast.

To find this answer, we can analyze each option and determine which one best explains the ancient Greeks' need for trade.

Option A: the mountainous landscape. While Greece's mountainous terrain did pose challenges for agriculture and communication, it alone does not explain the ancient Greeks' need for trade. Mountainous landscapes can actually hinder rather than encourage trade due to difficulties in transportation.

Option B: the dry summer climate. Greece's dry summer climate, while again a challenge for agriculture, does not necessarily explain the need for trade. It is more related to the agricultural practices and technology of that time rather than trade itself.

Option C: the location along the seacoast. This option is the best explanation for the ancient Greeks' need for trade. Greece's location along the seacoast provided access to the Mediterranean Sea, which connected them to other civilizations and trade routes. Being positioned along the seacoast facilitated maritime trade, allowing the ancient Greeks to import goods that were not readily available in their region, such as spices, metals, and luxury items.

Option D: the location along the boundary between Asia and Europe. While Greece does sit at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, this alone does not explain the need for trade. The boundary between Asia and Europe could have other implications, such as cultural exchange or political influence, but trade is not directly tied to this geographical factor.

In summary, the feature of Greece's geography that best explains the ancient Greeks' need for trade is its location along the seacoast (option C).

And your answers are?

oh sorry. I already did the test and got 100%