Find the function rule x: -2, -1, 0, 1 , 2 y: 9 , 4, -1, -6, -11

I know the answer for y but I don't know for X. can someone help me?

there is a rule for y, in terms of x.

The values for x can be chosen at will.
Usually, as in the table above, the x values are listed in order, from low to high.

can you give me an example? because im not completely following you

hello are you there?

HELLO? You have the table above!

The x values go fro -2 to 2
There is no rule for the x values.
The rule just allows you to figure out a y value for any x value given.

The x values could be anything: -12657, 0, 3,000,000, 3.14159, √2, or whatever.
Then you just need to apply the rule to figure out what y is for each x given.

ok....You dont have to be mean, I just didnt understand im new to this. I just joined a new school and its way ahead from my old one so its hard...

Yes, I can help you find the function rule for x. The function rule describes the relationship between the input values (x) and the corresponding output values (y).

To find the function rule, let's analyze the given data points:

x: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
y: 9, 4, -1, -6, -11

The key is to identify the pattern or relationship between x and y.

Looking at the y-values, we can see that for every increase of 5 in x, the y-value decreases by 5. This suggests a linear relationship where the rate of change is -5.

Now, let's use this information to find the function rule. The general form of a linear function is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. In this case, the slope is -5 because for every increase of 1 in x, y decreases by 5.

To find the function rule, we need to determine the value of b, the y-intercept. We can do this by substituting one of the given data points into the linear function equation.

Let's use the point (-2, 9):
9 = -5(-2) + b

Simplifying the equation:
9 = 10 + b

Subtracting 10 from both sides of the equation, we get:
-1 = b

Therefore, the function rule for this set of data points is y = -5x - 1.