how do myths impact today’s society? A. the most common western religions are based on mythology B. the govetment is based on the political structure of the greek gods C. many common words, phrases, and analogies are based on greek mythology D. federal holidays are based on mythological occasions

it is c

I'll be glad to check your answer.

The correct answer is all of the above - A, B, C, and D.

Now, let's break down each option to understand how myths impact today's society:

A. The most common western religions are based on mythology: Many of the world's major religions have roots in ancient myths and folklore. For example, Greek mythology influenced ancient Greek religions, and many Western religions, such as Christianity and Islam, have incorporated myths into their religious texts and beliefs. These myths help shape the moral and ethical frameworks of these religions, impacting people's beliefs, rituals, and practices.

B. The government is based on the political structure of the Greek gods: The political structure of ancient Greece, with its gods and goddesses ruling over different aspects of life, has had a significant impact on modern governmental systems. Concepts such as democracy, stemming from the Greek word "demos" meaning "people," have influenced Western governance. Greek mythology also provides lessons and narratives that influence political thought, leadership, and the construction of governmental institutions.

C. Many common words, phrases, and analogies are based on Greek mythology: The influence of Greek mythology extends into language and culture. Many English words, phrases, and analogies come from Greek mythology. For example, the word "narcissism" comes from the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. Such references enrich our language, literature, and everyday conversations, showing how deeply rooted these myths are in our society.

D. Federal holidays are based on mythological occasions: Some holidays in the United States, such as Easter and Christmas, have significant connections to mythology. Easter derives from the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, but the timing is influenced by the Jewish holiday of Passover, which commemorates the biblical story of the Israelites' liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. Similarly, Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus, is celebrated around the same time as various ancient pagan festivals that marked the winter solstice, such as Saturnalia.

Overall, myths have a profound and lasting impact on today's society. They shape our belief systems, religious practices, political structures, language, and even the way we celebrate holidays. Understanding and appreciating mythology helps us comprehend our own culture and provides insight into the beliefs and traditions that have shaped our world.