what is the importance of the battle of marathon


what do i do cause i Read it and

I don't understand

"Still, the fight had important consequences: it gave rise to the idea that East and West were opposites" -- from the above web site

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The Battle of Marathon, which took place in 490 BCE, was a pivotal event in ancient history. It marked the first Persian invasion of Greece and had profound implications for the development of Western civilization. The importance of the Battle of Marathon can be understood by examining the following aspects:

1. Defending Greek independence: The Persian Empire, under the rule of King Darius I, sought to expand its territory and control over Greece. The Athenians, along with their allies, aimed to defend their independence and halt the Persian advance. The victory at Marathon demonstrated the Greeks' willingness to resist foreign invasions and preserve their way of life.

2. Strategic impact: The battle showcased the military tactics and discipline of the Athenians, led by the renowned general Miltiades. Despite being outnumbered, the Greeks managed to overcome the Persian forces. This victory boosted Greek morale, demonstrated the effectiveness of their hoplite warfare, and served as a blueprint for future battles against the Persian Empire.

3. Preservation of democracy: Athens, at the time of the battle, was a burgeoning democracy—the first of its kind. The defeat of Persia at Marathon safeguarded the Athenian democratic system, which would endure for centuries and become a central tenet of Western governance.

4. Cultural and philosophical impact: The Battle of Marathon became widely celebrated in Greek culture and inspired numerous artistic and literary works. It symbolized the Greeks' commitment to freedom, valor, and the defense of their city-states. The philosopher Herodotus, often considered the father of history, documented the battle in his writings, contributing to a better understanding of ancient Greece.

To learn more about the importance of the Battle of Marathon, one can explore historical accounts, read scholarly articles or books, and delve into ancient Greek texts. These resources provide detailed information about the battle's context, significance, and long-term impact on Greek society.