Which equation has (2,-1) for a solution?

A. y= 2x - 1
B. y= x +3
C. y= x - 3
D. y= -2*x+1
please help

Substitute the numbers for the letters for each equation. Which equation is correct?

so... C.?

C. y= x - 3

2 = -1 - 3
2 = -4

Y = x - 3.

Y = 2 - 3 = -1.
So the answer is C.

To find out which equation has (2, -1) as a solution, we need to substitute the values of x and y into each equation and see which equation is satisfied.

Let's start with option A: y = 2x - 1.

Substituting x = 2 and y = -1 into this equation, we have:
-1 = 2(2) - 1
-1 = 4 - 1
-1 = 3

Since -1 does not equal 3, option A is not the solution.

Moving on to option B: y = x + 3.

Substituting x = 2 and y = -1 into this equation, we have:
-1 = 2 + 3
-1 = 5

Since -1 does not equal 5, option B is not the solution.

Next, let's consider option C: y = x - 3.

Substituting x = 2 and y = -1 into this equation, we have:
-1 = 2 - 3
-1 = -1

Since -1 equals -1, option C does satisfy the equation.

Finally, let's check option D: y = -2x + 1.

Substituting x = 2 and y = -1 into this equation, we have:
-1 = -2(2) + 1
-1 = -4 + 1
-1 = -3

Since -1 does not equal -3, option D is not the solution.

From our calculations, we can conclude that option C, y = x - 3, is the equation that has (2, -1) as a solution.