The radius of a cylinder is 3.5 ft. The height is 14 ft. Find the surface area and volume of the cylinder to the nearest tenth of a foot. Show your work.

oh and ms.sue please help or anyone as long as you are correct

volume of a cylinger = π r^2 h

you have the numbers, just evaluate

Surface area = 2 circles + a rectangle (the sleeve)
= 2πr^2 + 2πr h
again, just sub in the given numbers you have

are you sure

To find the surface area and volume of a cylinder, we can use the following formulas:

Surface Area of a Cylinder: SA = 2πr(r + h)
Volume of a Cylinder: V = πr^2h

Radius (r) = 3.5 ft
Height (h) = 14 ft

Let's start by finding the surface area (SA):

Step 1: Calculate the value of π (pi).
π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

Step 2: Calculate the surface area of the cylinder.
Using the formula SA = 2πr(r + h):

SA = 2π(3.5)(3.5 + 14)
= 2π(3.5)(17.5)
≈ 2(3.14159)(3.5)(17.5)
≈ 2(3.14159)(61.25)
≈ 385.838338 ft^2

Hence, the surface area of the cylinder is approximately 385.8 ft^2 (rounded to the nearest tenth).

Now, let's find the volume (V) of the cylinder:

Step 1: Calculate the value of π (pi) if you haven't done so already.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of the cylinder.
Using the formula V = πr^2h:

V = π(3.5)^2(14)
≈ (3.14159)(3.5^2)(14)
≈ (3.14159)(12.25)(14)
≈ 538.516054 ft^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 538.5 ft^3 (rounded to the nearest tenth).

To summarize:
- Surface area of the cylinder ≈ 385.8 ft^2
- Volume of the cylinder ≈ 538.5 ft^3