Can Someone Help Me With This? Thank You So Much

Unit 3B Lesson 6: Civilizations of the Americas Unit Test
1. The Maya had to learn _________________ _____________to clear the dense rain forest due to the impact
of their environment.
2. Incan commoners were grouped by ____________________within their social class.
3. An example of ___________art can be seen in their______________________________.
4. The _____________writing system was the most evolved in the __________________.
5. The ________________ developed a complex culture and lived in large communities.
6. The people of the North American Southwest built homes made of______________, while tribes of the
Artic built homes built out of _____________.
7. The _______ developed complex ____________ and used them to determine when to plant crops.
8. The Incas used ________________ as a farming method to help farm hillsides
9. .
10. The Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms is a conclusion best supported by the map.
11. The majority of Aztecs were considered a part of the ___________ social class.
12. The Aztecs engaged in _________________ to keep their chief god strong.
13. According to their religion, the Maya believed that _______________ could communicate with the gods.
14. The building and use of observatories allowed the Maya to develop____________________.
15. The Incan civilization had everything to cause it to have a______________________.
16. The ________________ was a practice of paying taxes through labor.
17. Archaeological evidence has taught scholars that the Mississippians culture built
18. Mayan cities had _____________and ____________ in their centers.
19. How were the religion and the government of the Maya connected?
20. How did the Aztecs apply their engineering skills to the challenges of living on an island?
21. How did the environment influence the cultures of the Northwest and Southwest?
22. What methods did the Incas use to unify their large empire?
farming techniques
gender and age
elaborate feather headdresses
irrigation canals
human sacrifice
kings and priests
complex calendars
mita system
large earthen mounds for religious purposes.

What are you answers?

Uggg this was posted so long ago!!!!!!!!

YEAH thats not these answersssss UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

I'd be happy to help you with this! To answer these questions, you'll need to have some knowledge about the various civilizations of the Americas, such as the Maya, Inca, Aztec, and Mississippians. You may need to refer to your textbook or class notes to find the specific information related to each question.

Here's how to approach each question:

1. For question 1, you will need to know the impact of the Maya's environment and how they adapted to it. Look for information about their farming techniques or methods they used to clear the dense rainforest.

2. For question 2, you will need to understand how Incan commoners were organized within their social class. Look for information about their social structure and any divisions based on gender, age, or other factors.

3. For question 3, you will need to identify an example of art from a specific civilization and the medium in which it was created. Identify which civilization is being referred to and find information about their art and any specific examples mentioned.

4. For question 4, you will need to identify the civilization and writing system that is being referred to. Look for information about the evolved writing system of a particular civilization in the Americas.

5. For question 5, you will need to identify the civilization being referred to and understand their culture and community structure. Look for information about a specific civilization that had a complex culture and lived in large communities.

6. For question 6, you will need to compare the building materials used by different Native American tribes in the North American Southwest and Arctic regions. Look for information about the homes built by these tribes and the materials used.

7. For question 7, you will need to identify the civilization being referred to and their use of complex tools. Look for information about their agricultural practices and any tools or methods they used to determine when to plant crops.

8. For question 8, you will need to identify the civilization being referred to and their innovative farming method. Look for information about the Inca civilization and their use of a specific farming technique.

9. and 10. seem to be missing from the question.

11. For question 11, you will need to understand the social structure of the Aztec civilization and the majority's classification within it. Look for information about the different social classes in the Aztec society and which group comprised the majority.

12. For question 12, you will need to be familiar with the religious practices of the Aztecs and how they maintained the strength of their chief god. Look for information about rituals or activities associated with the chief god in their religion.

13. For question 13, you will need to understand the beliefs of the Maya civilization regarding the ability to communicate with gods. Look for information about their religious beliefs and any connections to communication with deities.

14. For question 14, you will need to understand the purpose of the observatories built by the Maya and the significance of their development. Look for information about the role of observatories in Maya civilization and how they contributed to their advancements.

15. For question 15, you will need to identify the factors that contributed to the success or prosperity of the Incan civilization. Look for information about the resources, technological advancements, or other factors that enabled the Inca to thrive.

16. For question 16, you will need to identify the specific practice mentioned and the civilization associated with it. Look for information about a taxation system that involved labor in a specific civilization.

17. For question 17, you will need to understand the architectural features of the Mississippians culture. Look for information about the structures they built for religious purposes and any specific examples mentioned.

18. For question 18, you will need to describe the characteristics of Mayan cities. Look for information about the layout or features commonly found in Mayan cities.

19. For question 19, you will need to explain the connection between the religion and government of the Maya civilization. Look for information about how religious beliefs influenced the governance or decision-making of the Maya.

20. For question 20, you will need to understand how the Aztec civilization applied their engineering skills to overcome challenges associated with living on an island. Look for information about the specific engineering solutions they implemented.

21. For question 21, you will need to understand the influence of the environment on the cultures of the Northwest and Southwest regions. Look for information about how the geography, climate, or natural resources impacted the development of these cultures.

22. For question 22, you will need to identify the methods used by the Incas to unify their large empire. Look for information about political or administrative strategies employed by the Incas to maintain cohesion within their empire.

Remember to consult your textbook or class notes for the specific information related to each question. Good luck!