A number cube is rolled 360 times and the results are recorded as follows: 41 ones, 54 twos, 62 threes, 75 fours, 33 fives, and 95 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling a two or a three?

To find the experimental probability of rolling a two or a three, we need to calculate the ratio of the number of times a two or a three was rolled to the total number of times the number cube was rolled.

First, let's find the number of times a two or a three was rolled. From the given data, there were 54 twos and 62 threes, so the total number of times a two or a three was rolled is 54 + 62 = 116.

Next, we need to find the total number of times the number cube was rolled, which is 360.

Finally, we can calculate the experimental probability by dividing the number of times a two or a three was rolled by the total number of rolls: 116 / 360 ≈ 0.3222.

Therefore, the experimental probability of rolling a two or a three is approximately 0.3222 or 32.22%.

(sum of 2's and 3's)/360