G began as magma than harden underground to form igneous rock. What is the age of G in relation to see? What term applies to bodies of rock such as G?

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G is younger than C and the term that applies is called intrusion.

To determine the age of rock G in relation to the sea, you would need to engage in the field of relative dating. Relative dating involves establishing the order of events or objects in geologic time based on their position in the rock layers or by comparing them to other rocks or formations. However, without specific geological information, it is challenging to determine the exact age of rock G in relation to the sea.

Regarding the term that applies to bodies of rock like G, we can categorize them as intrusive igneous rocks. Intrusive igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and solidifies beneath the Earth's surface. Since rock G hardened underground from magma, it fits the definition of an intrusive igneous rock. These rocks are typically characterized by a coarse-grained texture due to the slower cooling process underground. Examples of intrusive igneous rocks include granite, gabbro, and diorite, among others.