The slope of the line that goes through -3, -5 and -3, -6 is

a. positive
b. negative
c. zero
d. undefined
i dont understand can someone help

Note that (-3,5) and (-3,6) lie on the same vertical line.

the slope is ∆y/∆x but since x does not change, ∆x=0, and division by zero is undefined.
horizontal lines have slope zero, but the slope of vertical lines is undefined.

To find the slope of a line passing through two points, you can use the formula:

slope = (change in y-coordinates)/(change in x-coordinates)

In this case, the two points given are (-3, -5) and (-3, -6). The x-coordinate remains constant at -3, which means there is no change in x-coordinates. Therefore, the denominator of the slope formula becomes 0.

A slope that has a denominator of 0 is undefined. Hence, the correct answer is:

d. undefined