Essay purpose : A ps3 can provide more happiness then a spouse

---- about half of which you will spend reading blog posts about Lindsay Lohan

Rhetorical device - allusion
How is this rhetorical device effective given the purpose of this essay.

The rhetorical device used in the statement, "about half of which you will spend reading blog posts about Lindsay Lohan," is an allusion. Allusion is a literary device that refers to a famous person, place, event, or literary work to make a comparison or emphasize a point. In this case, Lindsay Lohan, a well-known celebrity associated with scandals and media attention, is being referenced.

In the context of the essay's purpose, which is to argue that a PS3 can bring more happiness than a spouse, the allusion to Lindsay Lohan serves a specific rhetorical function. It is meant to create a contrast between the negative associations of spending time reading blogs about Lindsay Lohan and the supposed positive benefits of a PS3.

By mentioning that half of the time will be spent on less fulfilling activities like reading about Lindsay Lohan, the author is subtly suggesting that engaging with a PS3 can provide a more enjoyable and engrossing experience than some aspects of a relationship. It helps to exaggerate the potential happiness the PS3 may bring, as compared to the less fulfilling aspects of spending time with a spouse.

Overall, the allusion to Lindsay Lohan effectively contributes to the persuasive nature of the essay by accentuating the argument's point and engaging readers by appealing to their knowledge and emotions regarding popular culture.