Project topic :Privacy-preserving smart IoT-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control system

please guide me i need to make a report
I need the contents
3)Literature Review

To create a comprehensive report on the topic of "Privacy-preserving smart IoT-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control system," you will need to gather information and conduct research. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach each section of your report:

1) Abstract:
The abstract serves as a summary of your report, highlighting the key points and findings. While it is typically written after completing the rest of the report, here's how you can structure it:
- Start by providing a brief overview of the project topic.
- Summarize the main objectives and importance of the research.
- Highlight the methods used and the main findings.
- Conclude by discussing the implications and potential benefits of the proposed system.

2) Introduction:
The introduction section provides the necessary context and background information about the topic. Here's how you can structure it:
- Start with a general introduction to the importance of healthcare big data storage and access control.
- Explain the increasing implementation of IoT devices in healthcare systems and the challenges it poses in terms of data privacy.
- Outline the objectives and research questions of your study.
- Mention the significance and potential impact of the proposed privacy-preserving smart IoT-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control system.

3) Literature Review:
The literature review section involves conducting a thorough review of existing research, studies, and publications related to your topic. Here's a step-by-step approach to structure this section:
- Start by defining the key terms and concepts related to privacy-preserving smart IoT-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control systems.
- Identify relevant sources such as scholarly articles, conference papers, and books.
- Summarize and critically analyze the findings and methodologies of each source.
- Identify any gaps or limitations in the existing literature.
- Highlight the need for your proposed system based on the gaps identified in the literature review.

Remember to cite all the sources you refer to in your report using a proper citation style, such as APA or MLA. This will ensure the integrity and credibility of your work.

Overall, conducting thorough research and presenting a well-structured report will help you provide valuable insights into the topic of privacy-preserving smart IoT-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control systems. Good luck with your report!