What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?

A. President Nixon withdrew from the peace process.
B. The United States had given arms and money to the Vietcong.
C. The U.S. military tried to cover up the massacre of Vietnamese civilians.
D. American leaders misled Congress and the American people about the war.
can someone please help me im so confused


Of course, I can help you understand what the Pentagon Papers revealed. The correct answer is D. The Pentagon Papers revealed that American leaders misled Congress and the American people about the war in Vietnam.

The Pentagon Papers were a classified study conducted by the United States Department of Defense that aimed to document the history of the United States' political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. The study was commissioned by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara.

To get this answer, you can find various reliable sources such as books, articles, or documentaries that focus on the Pentagon Papers. These sources provide a comprehensive analysis of the papers and their contents. Some primary sources, such as the actual Pentagon Papers themselves, are now available for public viewing.

By consulting these sources, you will gain a better understanding of the specific details, context, and implications of the Pentagon Papers, allowing you to confidently answer questions regarding their revelations.