Which shape has a longer perimeter: a circle with a diameter of 10 cm or a square with side lengths of 8 cm?

To determine which shape has a longer perimeter, we need to find the perimeter of each shape and compare them.

1. Circle with a diameter of 10 cm:
- The perimeter of a circle is given by the formula P = πd, where "d" is the diameter of the circle and π is approximately 3.14 (pi).
- In this case, the diameter is 10 cm, so the perimeter of the circle can be calculated as P = 3.14 x 10 = 31.4 cm.

2. Square with side lengths of 8 cm:
- The perimeter of a square is given by the formula P = 4s, where "s" is the length of one side of the square.
- In this case, the side length is 8 cm, so the perimeter of the square can be calculated as P = 4 x 8 = 32 cm.

Comparing the perimeters, we find that the square with side lengths of 8 cm has a longer perimeter (32 cm) than the circle with a diameter of 10 cm (31.4 cm). Therefore, the square has a longer perimeter in this case.