Which expressions are equivalent to the one given below? There is more than one correct answer.

18r + (7 - 2) x 3m

Select one or more:
a. 23r + 3m
b. 18r + 15m
c. 18r + m
d. 3(6r + 5m)
e. 18r + 5 + 3m
f. m + 18r
g. 15m + 18r

well, 7-2 = 5, right?

well yes, but there is more than one to find...

well, then one choice is clearly 18r+15m

surely you can compare the others to that...

To determine which expressions are equivalent to 18r + (7 - 2) x 3m, let's simplify the original expression step by step:

1. Simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
7 - 2 = 5

2. Multiply the result from step 1 by 3m:
5 x 3m = 15m

3. Add the product from step 2 to 18r:
18r + 15m

So, the equivalent expressions to 18r + (7 - 2) x 3m are:
a. 23r + 3m
b. 18r + 15m
f. m + 18r
g. 15m + 18r

Notice that options c. 18r + m, and d. 3(6r + 5m) are not equivalent to the original expression because they do not match the simplified expression of 18r + 15m.
Option e. 18r + 5 + 3m is also not equivalent as it includes an additional constant term of 5 which is not present in the simplified expression.