pete has twice as many $2 bills as $5bills. together they total $ 153. how many $5 bills does he have.


To find the number of $5 bills Pete has, let's work step by step.

Let's assume that Pete has x $5 bills. As per the information given, Pete has twice as many $2 bills as $5 bills. So, he would have 2x $2 bills.

The total value of the $5 bills is calculated by multiplying the number of $5 bills (x) by the value of each bill ($5): 5 * x = 5x.

Similarly, the total value of the $2 bills is calculated by multiplying the number of $2 bills (2x) by the value of each bill ($2): 2 * 2x = 4x.

According to the problem, the total value of the bills is $153. Therefore, we can form the equation:

5x + 4x = 153

Simplifying, we get:

9x = 153

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 9:

x = 153 / 9

Calculating, x ≈ 17.

So Pete has approximately 17 $5 bills.