Sara needs to cover the top and sides of the cylinder below.

8 12
about how many square inches of paper will Sara need?
352 402 804 1005

congratulations to me I got a 50% on the test woohoo

same shay same

Please answer truthfully I need to get an A on this unit test I'm failing math.

I got it now the 8 is the base and the 12 is length I just figured out the 8 and 12

No, you don't. You just don't want to spend the time figuring it out. Ask a teacher or your parents, or get tutoring.

Then tell your teacher, "I don't understand any of the test." Although, if you did the Unit just fine, then, you should be able to do the test just fine.

Then, tell your teacher you did that so she knows you really need help. No one will supply you with answers, and you're wasting your time just waiting for someone to give the answers.

boy, you don't give us much to go on, do you. How does "8 12" describe a cylinder?

if the 8 is the diameter, then area = π*4^2 + π*8*12 = 112π
If the radius is 8, then area = π*8^2 + 2π*8*12 = 256π
If neither, then just fall back on the formula: area = πr^2 + 2πrh

Im sorry but it doesn't say what the number represent. if it did I would have put it oobleck.

im not one to cheat im really not but I have to pass this im desperate