Write a rule for the sequence.

8, -1, -10, -10...
a. start with 8 and add -9 repeatedly.
b. start with -9 and add 8 repeatedly.
c. start with 8 and add 9 repeatedly.
d. start with 9 and subtract -9 repeatedly.

pls help

none of them , notice your 3rd and 4th term are the same

but, looking at the first three:
start with 8 and subtract 9 repeatedly, or a) which is the same thing

sure looks like you keep subtracting 9, right?

If the last term is a typo, and should have been -19 ...

To find the rule for the given sequence (8, -1, -10, -10...), we need to identify how each term is related to the previous term.

One way to do this is by calculating the difference between consecutive terms. Let's determine the differences:

Term 2 - Term 1: -1 - 8 = -9
Term 3 - Term 2: -10 - (-1) = -9
Term 4 - Term 3: -10 - (-10) = 0

We notice that the differences between consecutive terms are not consistent. The first two terms have a difference of -9, but the last two terms have a difference of 0. This suggests that the sequence follows a specific pattern.

Looking at the differences again, we can see that the first two terms have a consistent difference of -9. Thus, we can determine that the rule for this sequence is to start with the number 8 and subtract 9 repeatedly.

Therefore, the correct option is d. Start with 9 and subtract -9 repeatedly.