Jen buys sesame bagels and plain bagels. If the ratio of sesame to plain is 1:3 and Jen bought 2 dozen bagels, what percent of the bagels are plain? How many bagels are plain? Suppose each plain bagel has 0.53 gram of salt, and each sesame bagel has 0.65 grams. Use a percent to compare the amount of salt in a plain bagel to that in a sesame bagel.

if the ratio is 1:3, then 3/4 are plain, no matter how many she bought

3/4 * 24 = ?
the salt ratio is clearly 0.53/0.65

To find the percent of plain bagels, we first need to determine the number of plain bagels. Let's break down the solution step by step:

1. Let's assume that the number of sesame bagels is represented by "x". Since the ratio of sesame to plain bagels is 1:3, the ratio of sesame bagels to total bagels is 1:4.

2. We're told that Jen bought 2 dozen bagels, which is equal to 2 x 12 = 24 bagels. So, we can set up an equation:
x + 3x = 24

3. Solving the equation:
4x = 24
x = 6

Therefore, Jen bought 6 sesame bagels (1x) and 18 plain bagels (3x).

4. Now, let's calculate the percent of plain bagels out of the total number of bagels:
Percent of plain bagels = (Number of plain bagels / Total number of bagels) × 100
Percent of plain bagels = (18 / 24) × 100
Percent of plain bagels = 0.75 × 100
Percent of plain bagels ≈ 75%

So, 75% of the bagels are plain.

Now, let's move on to the second part of your question about the salt content:

1. We know that each plain bagel has 0.53 grams of salt, and each sesame bagel has 0.65 grams of salt.

2. To compare the amount of salt in a plain bagel to a sesame bagel, we can calculate the percent difference:
Salt percent difference = [(Salt content in sesame bagel - Salt content in plain bagel) / Salt content in plain bagel] × 100

Salt percent difference = [(0.65 - 0.53) / 0.53] × 100
Salt percent difference = (0.12 / 0.53) × 100
Salt percent difference ≈ 22.64%

Therefore, the salt content in a plain bagel is approximately 22.64% less than the salt content in a sesame bagel.