Translate into an algebraic equation.

Some number plus -7 is equal to the quotient of the number and 13


n + (-7) = n/13

Translate "the quotient of the number and 10".

To translate this into an algebraic equation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the variable. Let's call the number "x".

Step 2: Translate the phrase "Some number plus -7" into algebraic expression. This will be written as "x + (-7)".

Step 3: Translate the phrase "is equal to" into the equals sign (=).

Step 4: Translate the phrase "the quotient of the number and 13" into an algebraic expression. The quotient of the number "x" and 13 will be written as "x/13".

Putting it all together, the algebraic equation becomes:

x + (-7) = x/13