is this right?

Convert the following mass into moles (1 mark)

19.5 grams of Al(OH)3

27.0 + 3(16+1) = 78

19.5/78 = 0.25 moles

technique looks good

looks good to me :)

To convert a given mass into moles, you need to follow these steps:

1. Start by calculating the molar mass of the compound Al(OH)3.

Aluminum (Al) has an atomic mass of 27.0 g/mol.
Oxygen (O) has an atomic mass of 16.0 g/mol.
Hydrogen (H) has an atomic mass of 1.0 g/mol.

So, the molar mass of Al(OH)3 is:
27.0 + 3(16.0 + 1.0) = 27.0 + 3(17.0) = 27.0 + 51.0 = 78.0 g/mol.

2. Now, divide the given mass, which is 19.5 grams, by the molar mass of Al(OH)3, which is 78.0 g/mol.

19.5 g / 78.0 g/mol = 0.25 moles.

Therefore, the conversion is incorrect. The correct answer is 0.25 moles of Al(OH)3.