Which of the following is NOT a formal command?





Would it be C?

I think its D. Don't go on my answers because I'm not sure but I really think its D.

Remember, it said NOT a formal command. C means Search.

To determine which option is NOT a formal command, we need to understand what a formal command is. A formal command, also known as an imperative mood, is a type of verb form used to give orders, commands, or instructions.

Let's analyze each option:

A. ¡Escriba! - This is a formal command, which means "Write!"

B. ¡Coma! - This is also a formal command, which means "Eat!"

C. ¡Busca! - This option is NOT a formal command. In Spanish, the formal command form of "buscar" is "busque." Therefore, this option is incorrect.

D. ¡Estudie! - This is a formal command, which means "Study!"

So, your suggestion is correct. Option C, ¡Busca!, is NOT a formal command.