In which type of symbiotic relationship is one organism helped while another organism is neither benefitted nor harmed?

A: Mutualism
B: Predation
C: Commensalism
D: Parasitism

nope nope STOP

here the answers C D A A your welcome

1- C (commensalism)

2- D (parasitism)
3- A (mutualism)
4- A (At least one organism is helped in both cases.)
5- B (Consumer)

and this is math how?



its not cheating if you don't get


thanks for nothing anonymous XD anyways the answer to that would be c Commensalim

@Love ya ;)

is correct for 7th grade conexus, her answers give you 4/4 :)

I took the quick check

Love ya :) is correct I made 4/4

answers: C D A A

Thx Love!

Those are my anwser for Connexus academy U3L3
