1. (A)

What is Anne's motivation for spending so much time with Peter?

She feels like Peter understands her

Thank you Hi!

To understand Anne's motivation for spending time with Peter, you would need to analyze the information provided in the given context or story about Anne and Peter. Look for clues or hints about their relationship or interactions that may shed light on Anne's motivations. Consider the following steps to find the answer:

1. Read or recall the relevant text or information about Anne and Peter.
2. Pay attention to any specific details about their interactions or behaviors towards each other.
3. Look for any dialogue or actions that may indicate Anne's motivations or reasons for spending time with Peter.
4. Consider Anne's character traits or personality that may influence her motivations.
5. Reflect on the broader context or setting of the story, as it may provide additional insights into Anne's motivations.
6. Combine the information gathered from the above steps to identify Anne's motivation for spending time with Peter.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze the given information and make an informed deduction about why Anne chooses to spend so much time with Peter.