Question #1 Identify the graph that is most appropriate to represent the amount of money spent on military over a period of time.

Line graph
Bar graph
Line plot
Question #2 Identify the graph that is most appropriate to compare the number of school days each month during the last school year.

Line graph
Bar graph
Line plot
Question #3 Identify the graph that is most appropriate to represent the amount of rainfall within certain ranges, or intervals.

Line graph
Bar graph
Line plot

bobbbbby you there

Question #1: To determine the most appropriate graph to represent the amount of money spent on military over a period of time, a line graph would be suitable. A line graph is used to show the relationship between two variables, such as time and the amount of money spent. It is particularly helpful in displaying trends or patterns over time. To create a line graph, you would plot the points representing the amount of money spent on the y-axis and the corresponding time intervals on the x-axis. Then, connect the points with a line to show the trend in military spending over time.

Question #2: To compare the number of school days each month during the last school year, a bar graph would be appropriate. A bar graph is used to compare and display categorical data. In this case, each month would be a separate category, and the number of school days for each month would be represented by the height of the bars. To create a bar graph, you would label the months on the x-axis and the number of school days on the y-axis. Then, create bars of equal width for each month, where the height of each bar corresponds to the number of school days.

Question #3: To represent the amount of rainfall within certain ranges or intervals, a histogram would be the most appropriate graph. A histogram is used to display the distribution of continuous data within specified intervals or bins. In this case, the intervals would represent different ranges of rainfall amounts, such as 0-10mm, 10-20mm, and so on. To create a histogram, you would label the rainfall intervals on the x-axis and the frequency or count of occurrences within each interval on the y-axis. Then, create bars of varying width to represent the frequency or count of rainfall occurrences within each interval.